Chapter G - Academics
Part 3.0 Additional Academic Support
Section 3.2 Alternative Language Services

Policy Statement:

Alternative Language Services

APA has protocols and procedures in place through the Title III Master Plan and the Special Education Policy and Procedures to ensure that English Language Learner (ELL) students are:

  1. Identified as such along with their level of overall proficiency upon entry to APA. 
  2. Not misidentified as Special Education students with a disability, and
  3. That APA is able to identify when there is a student who is ELL and who may also possibly need Special Education services.

 If a student is identified as ELL with a disability, they are provided evaluative services in the language they speak and it will be addressed by the LEA accordingly. 


The required registration paperwork requires parents to answer two critical questions:

  1. Is the student currently or has the student ever been served on an IEP/504 in the past? 
  2. What is the language spoken at home?

The answers are provided to the Academic Directors or to the Special Education Department as necessary so the file can be requested from the previous school, previous WIDA ACCESS scores can be researched, or a new one can be provided by the current school.

The WIDA or ACCESS test, which identifies the level of relative proficiency of a student's academic vocabulary in English, is offered or administered to all students who do not have the English language listed as the primary language spoken at home. Parents may opt out of EL services. Students enrolled in EL Services are required to take the ACCESS test until they reach a score of 5.0 or higher. 

If the student is on or is identified as needing IEP services, the process of identifying exactly what those services should be is addressed in the IEP.  Appropriate instruction (DISE class) for learning the English Language is scheduled by the Academic Director. 

If it is demonstrated through RTI and Child Find policies and practices that a student may be eligible for an IEP, the team will discuss it during an IEP Placement meeting. A specific box must be marked on the IEP to identify if the student would need those services.  Then, the matter of providing those services is turned over to the Academic Director to arrange that in their academic program, in harmony with the services identified on their IEP. 

In Special Education, when a student is identified to evaluate, there is a location on the IEP document inquiring if ELL services have been considered and are or are not required. If we have checked that box, then the Academic Director is notified and establishes how that student will be served.



R277-716 Alternative Language Services for Utah Students

APA Title III Plan

Special Education Policy & Procedures