Chapter G - Academics
Part 2.0 Academic Programs
Section 2.1 Subject Area Groups

Policy Statement:

Subject Area Groups 

APA's academic program utilizes achievement grouping for the instruction of reading, spelling and math in grades 1-6.  The Master Academic spreadsheet is utilized to determine placement of students into the academic level groups.  Students At Risk of academic failure are identified by Intensive results on DIBELS, low SAGE scores in Reading and/or Math, and/or low WIDA scores.  Students At Risk are placed in small achievement groups with our most highly effective classroom teachers during the breakout periods.  This method requires that our students leave their classrooms for possibly three subjects per day.

The Lesson Progress Chart (LPC) is completed weekly by the classroom teacher.  It carefully tracks student progress at mastering Reading, Spelling, and Math curriculum.  It also notes interventions and accommodations utilized.  The LPC is discussed in weekly team meetings and recommendations made to accelerate the growth of students not making adequate progress.