Chapter G - Academics

Part 3.0 Additional Academic Support

Section 3.1 Special Education

Paragraph 3.1.1 Parent Request for SPED

Policy Statement:

Parent Request for SPED

It is the policy of American Preparatory Academy that when a parent requests Special Ed testing for their student, the following procedures are followed:

  1. When a parent requests Special Ed testing, the person receiving the request must notify the following people via email:
    1. Homeroom teacher
    2. Academic Director
    3. Elementary or Jr. High Director (which ever is applicable)
    4. Special Ed department
  2. Data is gathered by the Elementary Director or the Jr. High Director on the student.
    1. Elementary Student Data
      1. Group level information (at, below, or above grade level)
      2. Group grades compiled
      3. Homeroom teacher input
      4. Homeroom grades compiled
    2. Jr. High Student Data
      1. Grades compiled
      2. Input from teachers
  3. The parent's request is responded to by the person who received the original request and a meeting is set up with:
    1. Academic Director
    2. Elementary or Jr. High Director
    3. Special Ed representative
    4. Parents
    5. Teacher (if applicable)
  4. Data is discussed and team decides if testing is the next step
  5. Parent's desires must be foremost on the team.  If the parents determine after the discussion of the data that testing should still take place, then testing will take place.
  6. If it is decided that testing will take place, "Permission to test" form is signed while at the meeting.
  7. If it is decided that testing is not the next step, "Refusal to test" form is signed while at the meeting.
  8. All paperwork and data, including original request for testing is placed together with the signed form by the parent and kept in the student file.

Supporting Documents: G-3.1.1 Parent Request for SPED Testing Checklist*