Chapter E - School Operations

Part 2.0 Registration

Section 2.3 Acceptance of Policy

Policy Statement:

  1. I have read APA's school mission, philosophy and vision.  I commit to supporting APA as it pursues fulfillment of its mission.
  2. I understand that APA is a charter school, and as part of its vision seeks to offer parents meaningful volunteer opportunities.  I understand APA would like our family to provide volunteer service each year we have children enrolled at APA.
  3. I will promote the vision of APA by using positive communication, courtesy and respect when interacting with staff, students, parents and anyone else in the school community.  I will follow APA's communication model, specifically, I will take any concerns I have directly to the person most able to successfully address those concerns, and not to others who cannot address the concern.  I will work in a cooperative manner to promote the school mission.
  4. I understand that my child will be required to follow the school dress code, and I will ensure that my child is in compliance with the school dress code policy.
  5. I understand that a major focus of APA's mission is to help my child gain knowledge and a love of learning.  I will support this effort by providing a place and a regular time each school day in which my child can engage in learning activities, including homework, in our home.  I will review my child's Learning Plan daily and will work with my child to ensure assignments are completed in a timely manner.
  6. I understand that not all APA campuses provide a school lunch program, and that my child may need to bring a lunch to school each day.  I understand that my child may be allowed to bring a microwaveable lunch once or twice per week.  If I send a microwaveable lunch to school with my child I will teach and practice microwave safety precautions with him/her and ensure he/she is able to safely prepare the lunch item.
  7. I understand that APA will not be providing transportation to and from school, and that we (parents) are responsible to drop off and pick up our child each school day within the specified time frame published in the school handbook.
  8. I understand that APA has a goal of 95% attendance for students.  I will work to schedule appointments and lessons outside of school hours.  I will bring my student to school on time.  I understand that if my child does not meet the attendance requirements of 95% attendance, he/she will be placed on attendance probation according to American Prep's attendance policy.
  9. I understand that volunteers may be asked to grade student papers, and any volunteers who do so will be instructed in school confidentiality guidelines.  Students will generally correct their own work, but in some rare cases may exchange papers to correct them.  Volunteers have no claim to intellectual property created during their volunteer service at American Prep.
  10. I agree to fill out the annual school surveys (2) and return them to the school in a timely manner.
  11. I understand that in order to increase security for our students and staff, and to facilitate staff development activities, security cameras may be present on APA grounds, common areas, and in classrooms throughout the school, recording both audio and video.  I have no expectation of privacy in these areas.

Policy Cross-reference: I-4.1 Security Cameras