Chapter D - Communications

Part 5.0 Staff to Parent

Section 5.3 Academic Communication

Paragraph 5.3.2 Teacher Initial Newsletter


Policy Statement:

Teacher Initial Newsletter

Teachers will prepare a newsletter and packet or disclosure (Jr. High/Secondary) to be presented at BTS night (elementary) or go home with the students in the first few days of school - (disclosures in Jr. High/Secondary).  The information or disclosure will include:

    1. Teacher introduction and an outline of classroom policies
    2. The classroom schedule
    3. Instructions for P.E. clothing (K-6)
    4. An overview of the teacher's procedures for enforcement of the uniform policy
    5. Information regarding homework expectations and procedures
    6. Ways in which the teacher can be contacted
    7. Reading Summary and instructions
    8. A sample Learning Plan and instructions regarding the purpose of the Plan, its use and mandatory signing (K-6, homeroom 7-10)
    9. Instructions regarding the docket, its use and how it should be used by parents and students (K-6, homeroom 7-10)
    10. Information about the Bi-Monthly Progress Reports (1-6)
    11. Information about the Academic Support Team and a volunteer sign-up sheet (K-6, homeroom 7-10)
    12. Information about the Character Support Team (CST) and a volunteer sign-up sheet (K-6, homeroom 7-10)
    13. Information regarding the procedures used for schoolwork corrections, confidentiality, and use of volunteers in correcting student work.